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Lot Austria-Hungary's last War 1914-1918

Lot Austria-Hungary's last War 1914-1918
Author: Glaise-Horstenau, Edmund & Kiszling, Rudolf (ed.)

Language: German

Band III, Band IV +Beilagen (not complete), Band V + Beilagen (not complete), Beilagen Band VI (not complete), Beilagen Band VII (not Complete)


Band IV missing Beilagen 2, 6, 11, 12 and 17
Band V missing Beilagen 1, 2 and 7
Band VI missing Beilagen 10, 13, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 32 and 33
Band VII missing Beilagen 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33 and 34

Original title Lot Österreich-Ungarns letzter Krieg 1914-1918
Band III, Band IV +Beilagen (nicht Komplett), Band V + Beilagen (nicht Komplett), Beilagen Band VI (nicht Komplett), Beilagen Band VII (nicht Komplett
Author Glaise-Horstenau, Edmund & Kiszling, Rudolf (ed.)
Languages German
Subject WO I general
Period World War One
Location Austria-Hungary
Categories Photobooks, Textual books, Antiquarian books, Drawings, Plans and maps
