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City and Fortress - A Short History of the Bundesfestung Ulm

City and Fortress - A Short History of the Bundesfestung Ulm
Author: Palaoro, Simon

Languages: German, English

3 copies    € 17.00

€ 17.00


3 copies

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Original title Stadt und Festung - Eine kleine Geschichte der Bundesfestung Ulm
Author Palaoro, Simon
Languages German, English
Subject MF - Modern fortifications - 19th century
Period 19th & 20th Century
Location Ulm, Germany
Categories Photobooks, Textual books, Drawings, Plans and maps

Paperback edition from 2009 (€ 17.00)

NEW book - available in 2 languages: German AND English. Illustrated with photos, drawings, plans and maps.

Edition 2
Pages 101
Publication date 2009
Bindings Paperback
Format 24 x 17 cm
Price € 17.00
